Events |
Written by KALONSNET Editor |
Published: April 19 2011 |
Exhibition simultaneously held in seven artist studios in Kyoto: G Art Studio, SoM, studio90, TAKAHASHI KOHEI STUDIO&ROOMS, YODO, atelier ie-, and studio gris. Dates: Friday, Saturday and Sunday of May 20 - 29, 2011 |
Last Updated on May 20 2011 |
In Kyoto in where many art collages exist, there are various art studio managed by the artist him/herself. This event is to open seven art studios (G Art Studio, TAKAHASHI KOHEI STUDIO & ROOMS, Atelier Ieichi, SoM, studio90, Yodo, studio gris) to the public and show the exhibition, building, and working site. We can experience to see the site where the art is produced through this event.