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Published: February 10 2011 |
Moment-performative spazierens, Installation, coming out of the window (waldemerstrasse, Berlin at galereie air garten), 2008, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Photos: Taguchi Yukihiro The Berlin-based artist Taguchi Yukihiro (born 1980) has garnered much attention in recent years for his unique “performative installations,” which combine elements of drawing, performance, animation and installation. Taguchi's humorous and quick-paced artworks are made using the oldest form of animation, stop motion, and while they appear to be the result of chance, they have in fact been carefully planned and are closely controlled. Just as the word “animation” has its origins in the Latin word “anima,” meaning spirit or soul, Taguchi’s artistic creation appears to imbue everyday objects, such as furniture and even the floorboards in his studio, with spirits of their own. At MAM Project 014, the white walls of the Mori Art Museum galleries will make their way out into Roppongi Hills and beyond. The work, which also brings life to the city's void spaces, will be shown in a constant state of progress. The white walls, which in the video will be seen frolicking through the town, will continue to undergo changes within the MAM Project gallery, too. Just like we ourselves never experience two days that are exactly the same, the gallery walls will also change from day to day. Life itself is a succession of moments, and Taguchi’s works tell us how to animate each of them to the full. Period: March 26 - Auguest 28, 2011 |
Last Updated on March 26 2011 |
Moment-performative spazierens, Installation, coming out of the window (waldemerstrasse, Berlin at galereie air garten), 2008, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Photos: Taguchi Yukihiro
This exhibition shows the drawings and the image report of the production process for Taguchi's image work "Moment-performative spazierens".
This image work uses the technique of simple freeze-frame animation; several boards are set at various places and shown like moving around the town as like a measuring worm. However the movement of the boards seems vivid and rhythmical as like alive.