Ken Hamazaki is an artist whose trademark is to wrap his whole body in red overalls. Inside and outside the country he is actively producing art in a wide range of genres including painting, solid work, and performance. The tea party performance "RED TEA CEREMONY" by Hamazaki has received high acclaim. He also participated as a guest in "Kosugi Takehisa: two concerts" held at the National Museum of Art, Osaka in June 2009. We eagerly follow his activities in many fields.
The gallery "KEN HAMAZAKI ART COLLECTION (RED GALLERY)" was opened in Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Osaka in 1992 but the “RED GALLERY” was moved to Minami-Senba in 1994. KEN HAMAZAKI RED MUSEUM was opened in 1997. On the second floor, there is a museum shop selling posters and postcards of artists whom Hamazaki respects, as well as clothes and goods designed by Hamazaki as his original brand. The third floor has a tearoom decorated in gold. This building, where both the exterior and the interior are completely red, is a landmark of Minami-Senba and anyone can easily find it. As well as displaying Hamazaki’s own works, the museum also holds special exhibitions to actively introduce young artists. Among the represented artists are SMELLY, Kasekisider≡, and erico fukuda.