Opened in May, 2006 in Koenji, relocated to Miyoshi, Koto-ku in Tokyo in March of 2010, MUJIN-TO production has been sending various "Expressions" out into the world by careful promotion of each individual artist. This promotion takes the form not only of artist management but also the planning and management of exhibitions and events, and the planning and editing of products, DVDs and publications. The contributions of artists such as Lyota Yagi and Chim↑Pom, who overturn orthodox art forms, will create new values in the contemporary art of Japan and shake the current stereotypes. It is not possible to ignore the activities of this gallery. Among the represented artists are Kazuhiko Hachiya, Lyota Yagi, Chim↑Pom, Sachiko Kazama, Ryohei Usui, Yoko Asakai, and Yukihiro Taguchi. Photo (right): Chim↑Pom "Island Heat" (2008)
2008, photo:Kei Miyajima