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Maya Nukumizu:I'm strong, You're weak
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Published: July 01 2009

”The Head Bombs YELLOW TWINS" (2009); 1300X1620mm Acrylic paints, permanent pen and hologram on canvas, © 2009 Maya Nukumizu. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy of the artist and ArtJam Contemporary. copy right(c) Maya Nukumizu

Nukumizu is a artist born in 1982. After finishing the master’s degree of Kyoto University of Art and Design in 2007, she has been actively creating works. She drew attention to her talent already when she was in the undergraduate degree, winning many awards including the grand prizes of “The 5th ‘21st Century Asian Design Competition’” and “ARTBEAT Kyoto 2005” and had been selected to exhibit at “ART AWARD TOKYO 2007”. Her work is highly received as a new type of Japanese artist whose style can be called as “NEW POP”. In Nukumizu’s work, the subject matters such as pop girls, weapons, combat planes are often drawn and they are arranged on the geometrically graphic surface. The girls in her work have the almost extreme femininity such as the rich and long streaming hair, overly long eyelashes, and skin-exposing tightly fitted outfits. They are drawn with weapons and on the fighters as “fighting girls” in the graphical composition of the picture. Many of the “fighting girls” in Japanimation and in Manga are the perverted existence, created by men for themselves. The characters by Nukumizu are, on the contrary, those created by a woman, for women, more positively accepting “the power of woman/femininity”. 7/4 Sat. Talk show & Opening reception
18:00-19:00 Talk show with Keiichi Tanaami and Masanobu Sugatsuke
19:00-21:00 Opening reception
Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * The text was provided by ArtJam Contemporary.

Last Updated on June 26 2009

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