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Fuyuka HASEGAWA: room in the room
Written by KALONSNET Editor   
Published: November 15 2010

"cloth" (2010); oil on canvas, 60.6×72.7cm, courtesy of the artist and YOKOI FINE ART, copyright © Fuyuka Hasegawa

Fuyuka Hasegawa draws such cloths touching a skin of human as sheets, cushions and beds. After one year from last exhibition, she says "My producing of art is equivalent to stray into a room and a picture these days".

While she draws things and spaces without owners despite the fact that such things are existence close to a skin of an owner, While she feels about for feels of square beds and cushions put in a square room on a square canvas, She strays into the maze of the reality and the world of art works.

As I feel around better composition I draw my room, hotels on trips, beds I found on magazines or photograph collections, piles of someone's belongings. All those things have signs of a human. The atmosphere of someone whose face is unable to be seen bring about disquieting feelings. Also beds and rooms are scenes where owners are absent. As I think about such things I draw to get a soft and a feel of a material.

A bed looks warm, a cute fish-pattern and cloths look comfortable that are crammed into a canvas. We don't know where the room is and whose room that is and whose belongings those are. The quite private space as a room is the accumulation of signs of more than one person. Those are wrapped up in mellow colors and quiet but insist its existence.

I am at a loss whether a point of brush is tracing on patterns of cushions or on a surface of a canvas, I am at a loss whether I am capturing a depth of a wall over a bed or I am just painting on a canvas. Square cushions and square patterns as a check on a square canvas. I realize that I am captured into a spiral of squares.

The maze Hasegawa made and strayed into. The warm and disquieting atmosphere her artworks are giving off will invite you into that maze.

* The text probided by YOKOI FINE ART.

Opened dates: December 10 - 25, 2010

Last Updated on December 10 2010

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