Yohei SASAKURA: Tsutafu |
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Published: September 23 2009 |
Solo exhibition of Sasakura going round Kyoto and Tokyo of this gallery. The show in Kyoto is composed only in a new works, and in Tokyo, some old works are added to it. |
Last Updated on October 27 2009 |
In the first solo exhibition of Yohei Sasakura, he showed a wonderful exhibition space in which the "line" extends to on paper and the space like ivy. I trembled with a feeling of density especially at the work exhibited in the first floor; the lines were drawn on a roll of tracing paper. However, it is regretted that the wonderful feeling of scale did not seem in this exhibition and the one at pantaloon in 2008. In this exhibition, it is because that there is a problem in its use of the display space that divides into the first floor and the second floor. It would become a different exhibition if exhibited to the stairwell space of the second floor and the third floor. I want to expect more flexible use of space for exhibition to neutron tokyo which has not a white cube but a characteristic space.